About Canterbury Housing Advice Centre (CHAC)
Founded in 1991, CHAC is the only source of free specialist housing advice in the Canterbury area and offers free, confidential, independent housing help and advice on housing. Our specialist caseworkers can advise on most matters of housing law including threat of eviction or repossession, rent or mortgage arrears, homelessness, tenancy rights and housing benefit. Homelessness prevention is a big priority. We are the only source of free specialist housing advice in the Canterbury area on any scale .
We need your help
CHAC was the victim of major funding and staff cuts from April 2014, despite meeting all its core targets. We can continue to operate on a reduced scale 2014-15 thanks to emergency funding from Canterbury City Council. We urgently need funding to meet the need for our services.
To get involved in supporting CHAC
Sign up for news at: http://www.chac.co.uk/
Donate online at: http://www.chac.co.uk/donate.html
Email: Nick Jackson chair@chac.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canterburyCHAC