Hello! Thank you for visting my page.
So after 3 years of messing around at university I have moved to London, got a job and FINALLY been allowed into the Marathon!
As many of you will know I am a bit of a running geek and am hoping to finish in 3.5 hours. I have been training since January and have so far pounded almost 650 miles of pavement. I know the name of pretty much every bridge over the Thames, I can tell you down to the tenth of a mile how far it is from my house to most tourist attractions in London and I think I now own more pairs of trainers than Marco!
I am raising money for the Garwood Foundation which is a small charity providing support for children and adults with profound and multiple disabilities and complex medical needs. It is a super worthy cause and anything you can give will be greatly received.
Thank you so much and if you are in London on 26th April come along!
Ceci xxx