In September 2020 my Mother Elmari O'Shea was diagnosed with lung cancer.She was given 6 weeks to live,after many tests she got Radioactive treatment in CUH she was in and out of bantry and vorm hospital for weeks until we all made the decision to care for my Mother at her own home,She passed away on december the 17th 2020 1 day after my sisters birthday. In the 11 weeks she had ,the cancer had spread from her lungs to every inch of her body paralyzing her for the last week and a half of her life no talk no movements.All we could do in the 11 weeks was care and be there for her.My mother always had a interest in older machinary such as 35x's like the one we have with the past 6 years and old cars especially.She also loved "old style farming" so this is our way of remembering her..