Ar 15fed o Fedi 2019, byddaf yn cymryd rhan yn IRONMAN Cymru, am y tro cyntaf. Mae'r IRONMAN yn cynnwys nofio 2.4 milltir yn y môr yn Ninbych-y-pysgod, 112 milltir ar y beic o gwmpas de Sir Benfro, ac yna rhedeg marathon.
Er mwyn fy ngwthio i gadw i fynd yn ystod y ras, dw i wedi penderfynu codi arian at elusen Diabetes UK er mwyn codi ymwybyddiath ar ol i fy nai Caio Glyn dderbyn diagnosis o Math 1.
Os oes gennych bunt i'w sbario, byddwn i wirioneddol yn gwerthfawrogi'ch rhodd chi i'r elusen hon. Os fyddech yn fodlon gadael eich enw a neges fach hefyd, byddaf yn meddwl am bob un ohonoch ar rhyw bwynt yn ystod y ras!
Diolch yn fawr!
Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
On September 15th 2019, I will be taking part in IRONMAN Wales for the first time. The IRONMAN includes a 2.4 mile swim in the sea at Tenby, 112 miles on the bike around south Pembrokeshire, and then a marathon.
In order to push me along through the race, I have decided to raise money for Diabetes Cymru, to help raise awareness of diabetes after my nephew Caio Glyn was diagnosed with Type 1.
If you have a pound to spare, I would really appreciate your donation to this charity. If you would like to leave your name and message too, I'll be thinking of all of you at some point during the race!
Thank you very much!