I am cycling 100km through the night to raise money for Women V Cancer because I have had personal experience of the invaluable support Breast Cancer Care provides.
In August 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my world shifted on its axis. I had to tell my two girls aged 3 and 9 that "mummy has cancer" and bring worry into their lives too. I work as an oncologist and found it difficult as a doctor to get support - I was really lonely and struggling with the side effects of treatment as well as my own emotions - Breast Cancer Care's helpline was fabulous - they understood why as a doctor I was reluctant to go to a support group and arranged one to one telephone support with another doctor who had also been treated for breast cancer - my weekly talks with Sarah made such a difference. They sent me some books for both my girls to help explain it all at the right level for their age and put me in touch with a private Facebook support group where I could chat in an anonymous way.
I am now 7 months on from finishing chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy and still on hormonal therapies with all the side effects of an abrupt and early menopause and still processing the emotions, anxieties and fear - and Breast Cancer Care are still supporting me with a kit to help with "moving on" and conferences to help the issues faced by younger women - none of this support is cheap!
I want to repay some of the support I have received - please think about donating, even if it is just a few pence - it all counts!