A huge thank you for clicking on that all important button that takes you to this page......the journey begins here!
What am i doing?
I'm getting on my bike with a team of women only cyclists and taking positive action in the fight against breast,ovarian and cervical cancers.
Why am I doing it?
My major incentive is my lovely Mum, who has been bravely fighting breast cancer for the last 3 years and has now, very sadly during February 2011, lost her fight. She has fought her cancer with courage, dignity and an uncomplaining bravery. I want to help provide valuable funding to find a cure for this indiscriminatory, cruel illness.
Where will it take me?
I will be cycling around 400kms through Kenya over 5 days both on and off road through Savannah Plains,wildlife game parks, tropical rainforests and traditional villages ending at my final destination Lake Victoria.
When am i doing this?
6th-15th November 2011
How can you help?
I have embarked on a pretty intensive training programme in preparation for this challenge and I need your help to raise a minimum of £2800.00 for the Woman v cancer charities mentioned above.
Please pledge your support by digging deep and clicking on the donate now button and become part of an amazing group of people taking positive action against breast, ovarian and cervical cancers. Thank you very much Caroline xx