Thank you for visiting my Just Giving page. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Over 11,000 men die every year in the UK and the number increases every year. The Mission of PCRC is to develop new therapy for men with advanced prostate cancer. The immediate goal is to increase survival and their vision is a cure for the disease. Every pound raised will help PCRC achieve their vision.
I don’t want anymore families to lose husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers, father-in-laws, cousins, friends, the list is endless. We lost our dear father, father-in-law, grandfather and I don’t want my daughters to go through the heartache again, we need to find a cure, it totally devastates families.
I appreciate EVERY donation as this is a step towards curing this disease. I thank you so much for all your support in your donations and in your kind words of encouragement in running the London Marathon which is something I have never done before and I want to make it count.