On Sunday 19 June hundreds of people will be raising money for local charities and organisations by getting sponsored and walking or running 5K, 10K or 20K or cycling 25K, 50K or 100K.
Nailsea Leg Club raises funds each year through this well organised event. We are currently running the Leg Club Cafe; aimed at giving those with lower leg problems an opportunity to socialise over a cuppa and a nice treat. Leg ulcers are particularly troublesome and often mean people are socially isolated. We encourage those with any smaller concerns, such as rashes, thinning skin, varicose veins, etc to seek advice and guidance early in order to prevent ulcers forming.
Along the way, we have created a welcoming, buzzy atmosphere, manned by a great team of volunteers. Look us up on the Tyntesfield Medical Group website or call Carole on 07954302498.