We are counting our steps through May in the hope of making a difference to the life of someone with sight loss.
Last year we raised over £1300 for guidedogs - can we do it again!?
Guidedogs continue to provide support to those with sightloss and their families. Since last doing this challenge - Fergie has been given a cane by guidedogs, I have been taught some basic techniques by them to help cane train him as well as receive support in getting adaptions made to the house to make things like going up the stairs easier for fergie. Our habilitation specialist, Sally, has been up in shetland a good few times and will be coming up every few months to continue to provide support to Fergie and any other children with visual impairment.
Guidedogs also go in to the school settings and check if any adaptions need to be made to make things more accessible for children with vision impairment, as well as provide additional training to the already amazing staff!
Without guidedogs, shetland vision and the great understanding of the nursery staff - this would all be much harder for Fergie and me.
Let’s make sure they can continue their good work for years to come ❤️
We have some active people on this group so we are going to be walking 10 million steps for the month of May - raising it from the recommended 10000 steps a day to average of 17000 per person. 😉 if I have to stay up and walk all night to make the target on the last night - I will, as this charity is so important and if it wasn’t for these fundraisers, guidedogs wouldn’t be able to do all they do.