I'm going to be completing an 100km run over the course of January from the 1st-31st for my Grandma who has sadly recently been diagnosed with Dementia. My Grandma is one of the most incredible women who has lived one of the most inspirational and exciting lives from being a headteacher in her local school most of her life to travelling the world and seeing the most beautiful sights. She has always had the most caring and welcoming outlook to everyone lucky enough to know her. She has been the most caring and loving Grandma I could ever wish for even from 200 miles away so I want to repay her and prove to her how much she means the world to us and how special she is to us.
I'll be running 100km across January from start to finish to hopefully raise as much money as possible and raise awareness for such a devastating illness. I would massively appreciate any size of donation you can make, and any support you give me throughout this - thank you!
Thank you very much - wishing you and your families a happy New Year and a wonderful 2022! x