Hello everyone!
In this difficult time the most vulnerable in our society suffer the most, especially those with weak immune systems such as the elderly.
With the NHS being bussed into underfunding it is crucial that we protect them for as long as possible so the NHS is able to care for everyone properly.
Age Uk York is supporting the elderly by providing shoppers, saving them from exposing themselves to danger, and providing company
through phonecalls to in this socially distant time.
In a week and a half I shall be shaving my beard on a livestream (with tunes) to support age UK york, if we reach 200% of the target then I'll shave my head as well!
A random donator will recieve a tasteful(TM) photoshoot of my beardless mug. (I know one of you will want these for future hilarity).
The top 5 donators will get to choose the order of the parts of my beard I shave off first (get creative).
I understand these are difficult times financially so if you feel you cannot donate please just share this fundraiser!
If anyone would like to join in and shave their beard and or head with me please feel free and we can keep the stream a video call together!
Gabe xxx