All aboard the Busy Bees Conga Chain...
We are uniting to raise funds and awareness for the Little Princess Trust who have supported many of our children, families & teams and we need your help to make this the Longest, Wackiest Conga Chain EVER!
Before our fundraising finale which will be in centres on 10th November we are hoping to get as many friends, families, schools, communities and businesses involved as possible.
No need to dance the conga, (however dancing and creating tik toks is so much fun)...To get involved simply create your very own special conga chain, donate and send us a photo of your Wacky Conga Chain with a note of where you are from. You could have a small family chain with four links or even a much larger conga chain with 20-50+ links i.e at your local dance school or football club, the possibilities are endless. If each link in your chain donated as little as £1 then we really could be making a huge difference to the lives of children and families.
All donations are gratefully received.
When a child loses their hair to cancer or another condition, Little Princess Trust are there to provide a free, real hair wig to help restore confidence and identity. Little Princess Trust also pledge a promise that they won't stop until the research that they fund ends childhood cancer forever. Please help us to raise funds so that they are able to help more families.
We are really excited to see who will join in the fun and how far the conga chain will travel