I'm taking part in a Virtual Collection to make sure that the vital work Brain Tumour Research does continues.
Brain Tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age. They kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer.
I'm helping Brain Tumour Research to fund continuous and sustainable research whilst influencing the government and larger charities to invest more nationally.
Brain Tumour Research and I are determined to minimise the impact of the COVID19 outbreak has on their vision to find a cure.
Once things have calmed down their scientists will continue to:
Discover more about the origins and behaviours of high-grade brain tumours
Identify mutations in low-grade brain tumours that dangerously accelerate tumour growth
Repurpose existing drugs in order to increase options for targeting brain tumours in children and adults
Please give what you can and let's keep research working!