Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
First of all I want to ask Allah S.W.T to shower all his blessings upon you all and that He accepts all your fasts, duas (prayers) and Sadaqahs (charity) Insh'Allah. Ameen.
Brothers and sisters, beautiful young orphaned children are in need of your desperate help to build them a school for them to be provided education and Islamic studies. At the moment their school is literally a shed and many of them don't even have indoor facilities and have to sit outdoors in unbearable weather conditions.
The school Insh'Allah will be built in the Northern area of Kashmir, Pakistan in the name of my best friend Hamza Iqbal and the 2 other brothers Hamza Gujjar and Munib Karim who sadly lost their lives in a tragic car accident in April 2016 which most of you would've heard about.
So, my generous community start building your Sadaqah Jariyah today for yourselves, loved ones who have passed away and for the 3 fallen angels and achieve the reward from Allah S.W.T for all the knowledge the orphans gain, for each chapter, verse, word and letter an orphan reads from an educational book and the Holy Qu'ran.
Donate £10, £50, £100 whatever amount you can afford as I'm not asking for a set amount because any small or big donation will help massively. Please, please, please donate for the sake of the beautiful and unfortunate orphaned children as they deserve an education and living too.
Read Foundation is a charity registered in the UK with the Charity Commission (1160256) and a company limited by guarantee (09195667).
Jazak Allahu Khayran.