I know what this looks like - another fundraiser, asking for money for another run so let me be quite clear, I hate running.
I really really don’t like it.
Talking to a friend recently he told me everyone hates running and that’s the beauty of it… I have however struggled to see how that is the case when my legs hurt, my lungs burn & my face is a flaming shade of fuchsia. I’m not writing this so you feel sorry for me (why has she signed up for a bloody half marathon and moaning about it, I hear you cry). I’m writing this to share how much of a monumental personal challenge this is. One that if you’d asked me only a year ago if I could or would ever do, I would have mostly likely awkwardly laughed and rapidly exited the conversation.
One in four of us will experience a mental health problem throughout our lives. Whether that’s you, your parent, sibling, best friend, partner or co-worker. Over the years I’ve seen first hand the impact of mental health on my friends, family and peers. As is the way of life, I of course have experienced my own highs and lows and exercise has become an absolutely vital part of maintaining my own mental wellbeing. So running for Mind, the UK’s leading mental health charity, who work tirelessly to breakdown stigmas and open up conversations felt very fitting.
Because I would bet every single person reading this has struggled with their mental health at some point in their life. I'm running to tell you that you are not alone. I'm running to encourage open conversations. I'm running to breakdown stigma. And I'm running to remind you that it's okay to ask for help.
Mind fund projects across the UK which aim to both educate and support. Your money will go to funding research into mental health conditions, as well as initiatives such as local community groups, professional training for carers, online help desks and implementing networks within businesses to support employee mental health.
So if you have any spare dollar at all, I would be so very grateful (it will absolutely help get my
round the 13 miles).
You can read more about what your money will go towards here: https://www.mind.org.uk/.
Thank you, thank you
Bry xxxx
Ps if you’re keen for extra involvement, (because who doesn’t love organised fun) if you guess my run time correctly I will match your donation.
Pps a helpful tip on the above - may I remind you this is my first ever half marathon (and if I am being VERY honest, my training has been hit and miss)... so the likelihood of a decent time is low.