On 7th November, we're going to attempt something we've never done before - a non-stop 24-hour bad movie marathon that will test both our physical and mental limits. Mostly, our mental limits...
The rules are few:
- No sleeping
- Toilet breaks must not last longer than 5 mins
- Breaking of rules will result in monetary fines (which will go to Children In Need)
- Leaving before the 24 hours is over will result in a flat £50 fine
On the day itself, we'll be live-blogging and tweeting (possibly even streaming) our progress - it'll probably get incoherent and non-nonsensical after the first 12 hours.
However, we welcome members of the public to either join in with us, either by watching the films at home or dropping in for a few hours and keeping us company! All we ask is you throw some money in the charity bucket!
Send us suggestions on Twitter at @theotherbbfc or email us at