My wife lost her cousin a few years ago to breast cancer. As in many cases, she was gone too soon and left a young family behind. In 2018, my wife's mother was diagnosed and fortunately she made a full recovery. It was a hell of a year but Maggie's in Manchester were amazing; not only for my mother-in-law, but also for my wife and her sister who both helped her through her treatment at The Christie.
I've never done as much for charity as I probably could or should have, and this is such a worthy cause. You never realise just how worthy until you are directly affected.
As some of you will know, last year’s London Marathon was a virtual event and I want to thank everyone who donated during a difficult time. This year it’s back in full effect and it’s time for me to ask for your help again.
I'm privileged to run for Maggie's again this year and I hope you can spare a little to help me reach my goal of £3000.
Thanks a million.