As part of our support at Hudgell Solicitors for #MartinsMountain, Dawn Barnes, Jackie Evins and Caroline Abbott are undertaking to each do 19,000 squats starting on the 19th June for 19 consecutive days to raise money for the Spinal Injuries Association.
On 22nd May 2017, Martin Hibbert's life changed forever. Martin was the closest survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing which tragically took the lives of 22 people. A bolt went straight through him, severing his spinal cord, leaving him paralysed below the waist. Martin is taking on the incredible challenge of raising £1million for Spinal Injuries Association, the organisation that have supported him in his recovery and gave him the hope, confidence and practical skills to start again. Martin, supported by a team of people that have helped to save and rebuild his life, will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in September of this year. Inspired by his story and this incredible challenge, we have decided to set our own challenge of raising money to help him towards his incredible goal. We will be #EVERYDAYMOUNTAINEERS, the team behind the team, supporting Martin by taking on our own challenges, raising money, and inspiring others to do the same.