My dad, Bill, and I will be Running to Cure HD in the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon on June 4, 2017 to help raise money to cure Huntington's disease.
My mother, Ramona, was diagnosed with HD in 1999. For nearly 10 years, she has been receiving 24-hour care at Edgemoor Hospital as HD has robbed her of all muscle control and severely impacted her cognitive abilities. She can no longer walk, talk, chew, swallow or communicate in any way. Although her good days are becoming fewer and fewer, her heart and spirit continue to inspire me every day.
Since my dad starting Running to Cure HD in 2001, he, myself and other dedicated runners have gathered nearly $1 million in pledges and matching funds for the Huntington's Disease Society of America. I was honored to become a part of this tradition in 2009 and have since run 8 fundraising races by his side. THANK YOU!
Huntington's disease is a hereditary, degenerative brain disorder for which there is no effective treatment or cure. HD, otherwise known as the "devil of all diseases", is a debilitating disease that combines the worst symptoms of Parkinsons, ALS and Alzheimers. HD slowly diminishes the affected individual's ability to walk, talk, eat and reason. Children of a parent with HD have a 50% chance of inheriting this deadly disease.
Your support means the world to us. Please consider making a pledge and helping us make this the last generation of HD. Your contribution is tax deductible (Tax ID 13-3349872). We will proudly wear your name on our backs and be grateful every step of the way.
Thank you again for caring and giving hope to all of us dealing with Huntington’s disease in our lives.
Offline donations have been received from:
Jeri & Dan Fouts $500
Kimberley & Farrell Layton $500
Armelda Mayfield $100
Jim Nantz $250
Casey & Mark Ridgley $500
Fred & Reese Gaudelli $2500
Atlanta Falcons
Suzette Baugh $200
Patty & Carey Brooks $50
Patricia & John Clayton $75
Rich Dalrymple $50
Tricia & Dan Edwards $100
Joe Ellis $50
George Gildred $100
Roger Goodell $5000
Gary & Adrienne Hyvonen $150
Brett Krugman $100
Anthony Laureti $250
Chrystal Lee $200
Michelle & Justin Macione $25
Bob & Judy Muessig $500
Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing $100
Cookie “Chainsaw” Randolph $100
Peter Seidler $2500
Paul Spinelli $100
Mike Sullivan $50
Mark Whicker $50
Lynn & Jack White $200
Karen Freeman $180
Bryan Harlan $100
Sue Robichek $50
Alice & Bobby Ross $300
Mike Signora $200
Mike Stafford $200
Peter Wagle $300
Roger Goodell $5000
Cindy Katz $50
Susie & Ken Moranville $300
Mary Ann & Ted Malewicz $200
Kirsten & Greg Aiello $100
John Czarnecki $150
Janet & Rick Odioso $25
Eva & Dale Lindsey $1000
Reese & Alfred Gaudelli $2500
Drew Schlosberg $100
Rich Israel $50
Kathy & Jay Rains $500
Janet & Howard Katz $200
Theresa & George Essig $100
Drew Schlosberg $100
John Freeman $25
Judee & Brian Stubbs $200
Maria Velasquez $100
Carol Weckerly & Frank Barry $100
Donna & Rusty Kasmiersky $250
Laura & Mike Fleiss $1000
Joann & Jim Saccomano $100
Nancy & Mike Waldner $100
Bob Mansbach $100
Ashley & Omar Ruiz $75
Marcellus Wiley $250
Qualcomm $525
Essig $100
Freeman $25
Kasmiersky $250
Schlosberg $100
Stubbs $200
Velasquez $100
Weckerly $100
Joy and Dale Pruitt $50
Jay Paris $20
Linda & Frank Riolo $500