I've always wanted to do a big charity fundraising event and a 100 mile cycle ride seems a good way to start. It's in New York on 21 October 2012. I'm looking to raise money for the MS Society as they have done so much for my wife, who suffers from MS.
The organisers web page is here:-
So here's our chance to give a little (I feel I've drawn the thin end of the wedge here) in the hope that not only will sufferers of this terrible disease benefit from a donation but also that we'll also be able to fund the bigger picture and find a cure for MS!
It will be our 11th wedding anniversary a couple of days after the ride and I hope that together we can put a little bit happiness into Jenny's life and the MS Society with a generous donation and one heck of a weekend away! It's not only the central core of the society that will benefit - the MS Society has many local branches that provide things like physiotherapy classes, coffee mornings, therapy sessions, support - the list is endless and all funded by people like you. So the goal, with this voluntary income is for the the MS Society to constantly strive to try and improve the lives of not just people with MS but the families and carers of those affected by this disease.
So why this? Well, I've always wanted to do a big charity event and after an accident last year I was googling around looking for a big cycling challenge. And Bike MS New York came up. And not being one to do things by halves I went for the 100 mile ride up the Hudson River, thinking it would be flat. Well I got that wrong too as it isnt!
So with the help of people like yourselves I'm looking to raise as much as possible.
Please support the MS Society by sponsoring me.