LEGAL NOTE: Please read the important legal notes at the bottom of this appeal before donating. Also, this appeal was originally written as a satirical appeal in the tone of voice of an MP who is a prominent Brexiteer, deputy chairman of the ERG, and also has an ironically French surname.
However, it has been made very clear to me that he doesn't wish to have his name or image used in this manner, and so I have been formally forced to cease and desist. Which kinda sucks.
"Hello everyone. I am trying to raise £500,000 to make Big Ben chime at 11pm on Brexit Day - 31st January 2020.
I think that this symbolic gesture is massively important because of the war and Germans and stuff. Great Britain didn't give up in 1944 on the beaches of Normandy, and as a nation we need to stand up and say NO to Brussels - no matter what you bureaucrats might say about it, we say 'up yours' to you all and WE WILL MAKE Big Ben bong.
Also, I used to be in the army and this is incredibly relevant. I don't really like to talk about it though. All very hush-hush".
IMPORTANT: All money raised from this appeal will be given directly to Trussell Trust, a very worthy food bank charity. This is because half a million quid would be much better spent feeding people who genuinely need food, as opposed to ringing some bells that will probably signal the start of the b*stard Hunger Games or something.
This appeal is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Trussell Trust. Any enquiries - Facebook 'Man Behaving Dadly.'