Brighter Futures Zambia is ten! We want to celebrate by raising £10,000 to mark the 10 years since Brighter Futures Zambia began.o
From 11 September to 20 November (World Children's Day), 15 of us are walking, cycling, running and/or kayaking 10 km a week. We will do this over 10 weeks to make up the combined length of Zambia, a total of £1,500 km!
This amazing, small charity is run entirely by volunteers in Zambia and in the UK. It's purpose is to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia.
Over the past decade BFZ's sponsorship programme has supported hundreds of children to achieve an education that would have otherwise been out of reach. As we reflect and celebrate the successes of the past ten years, we prepare to work harder than ever to face the new challenges brought about by the economic downturn in Zambia and the pandemic.
£10,000 will enable us to further expand our sponsorship programme, set up a new college and university scholarship for our alumni and expand our wellbeing and sexual health programmes.
To find out more about the different ways we do this please go to