Those of you that know me will know one thing: I don’t like running. You might also know that I ran the marathon in 2010. After medical deferral in 2009 I went against the orders of my specialist to run in 2010, and health wise I paid the price. Health problems made training limited and difficult, and a chest infection the week before the run really tarnished the event for me. I said never again, but sometimes things happen in life and it seems right to not only make amends for personal reasons, but to show others how much you care, and how important it is to raise awareness and of course funds for special charities.
In April 2015 whilst away on holiday, I had a text I had hoped not to receive. A friend very dear to me had gone into early labour at just 30 weeks. Having had a problematic pregnancy with her twin girls, it was a huge concern. Sarah had mild Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome throughout her pregnancy and was scanned weekly; she travelled to St Anne’s, Southampton, several times and fortunately evaded surgery. Ava and Lily were the special girls in question, and did they put their mother through it…
Ava’s waters broke on Monday 27th April, and Sarah was given steroid shots and an overnight stay at Winchester Hospital to help prepare the babies’ lungs. The following night, Sarah was transferred to Royal Surrey County Hospital due to a shortage of incubators in Winchester. On 29th April the foetal specialist scan showed Ava had reduced growth, severe anhydramnious (very little or no fluid around her), no bladder showing, IUGR (growth restriction) – she needed to be delivered. Ava’s heart decelerated in reaction to the onset of labour. Ava arrived into this world at 5.09am, and Lily 5.11am – shortly afterwards they were whisked off to SCBU. On day 5 Sarah was transferred back to Winchester NICU. Ava suffered with jaundice, anaemia (she received a blood transfusion), heart problems, chronic lung disease, apnea and tachycardia. She spent 10 weeks in NICU. Upon her return home, she was on oxygen until she was 6 months old. Lily spent 2 weeks shy of this in NICU and suffered no major health concerns. Without the care that Ava and Lily received they may not have made it. They did make it. And Sarah made it. That is thanks to care all three of them received from day one.
As per Sarah’s wishes, I’m running for Ickle Pickles - a charity for poorly children who need intensive care in Neonatal units. Ickle Pickles allow Sarah to select specific units to direct the money we raise, and her chosen units will relate to her story. I run this marathon for every baby, and every family affected by a premature birth – and for those who sadly may need this kind of medical assistance in the future. The trials and tribulations of marathon training is incomparable to what these people endure, and if I can make an ounce of difference by completing this run then it’s worth every moment of discomfort on my part.
Both girls are thriving now, with no lasting effects of their difficult start to life in this world. I have no doubt that they will continue to thrive, particularly under the influence of their incredible mother who has shown a level of strength I’ve never before witnessed. Shortly after I run this marathon, the girls will turn 2. I couldn’t be prouder, both of them, but especially of my dear, dear friend, who amazes me daily.