Queue shameless sob story to get you to donate...
In 2021 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, more specifically terminal ileal, one of the most common types of Crohn's. So getting out of lockdown wasn't the fabulous experience I wanted it to be back then...
Like 75% of others with the disease, I might need surgery one day as Drs discovered scar tissue. But the good thing is that I found Crohn's and Colitis UK early, so I acted quickly to get my initial diagnosis with their guidance. Since then, the charity has served as my guide to medication and as an educational resource. I inject myself regularly and know my way around Tooting Hospital, but this charity helped me make that "the norm", so I wanted to run for them. Now I am in remission and having more good days than bad; I'm back and ready for the challenge!
They're unique and the UK's leading charity for Crohn's and Colitis. Over 500,000 people in the UK live with a lifelong disease that many people have never heard of. I am taking part in the 2023 Great North Run to support Crohn's & Colitis UK, and your donation can help Crohn's & Colitis UK's mission to improve diagnosis and treatment, fund research, and raise awareness.