BerniesBosomBuddies started it's journey in 2019 after Bernie found out she had Breast Cancer. She'd always raised money for Cancer Research being third generation of breast cancer in her female line. She had amazing support from family and friends and they were keen to help raise vital funds to make sure more people survived cancer.
We have a collection of survivors of different cancers including prostate, bowel, throat, oesophageal and non-hodgkins lymphoma. As well as many members who have been affected by friends and family who have passed away.
Cancer effects not only the person who has it, but everyone who loves them too. It quite often means families have to adjust and adapt to new ways of life.
We work hard to raise awareness how important early prognosis is. It really can be the difference between life and death.
Please support us and make a donation. Every little bit really does help.
Thank you x