So it’s more than a summer. I’m going to suffer on a bike until my second child is born in October in support of the RAF Association. The plan is the following
Between May and October I plan to:
Ride to support RAFA rides (See below) on 4 Jun - 12 hours on the bike overnight for maximum mileage.
Ride 2000km total
Complete the Hoodoo 300 - 300 miles in one go in late August in Utah’s desert heat.
Complete the mount Charleston hike and bike - cycle the 40 miles from home to the Charleston trail head and then hike the 18 miles to the summit (11900’) and back before biking home.
On the night of 4th Jun I will be riding with other members of the RAF to support The Royal Air Force Association.The RAF protects our peace and security 24/7 throughout the world. Cyclists from around the globe are joining TeamRAFA to show their support. Collectively we are aiming to cycle 24,901 miles in 24 hours, with riders from Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand, all connected by one aim: support for our RAF community.All fundraising will ensure we can continue to help all those in need of our support who serve or once served in the RAF community.
Anything you can give is much appreciated for this important cause. I’ll keep updating you as my Summer of Suffer continues.