Blood Cancer UK is a charity that is close to my family’s heart. This is due to the passing of my Dad’s Mother when he was 9 years old. She died of Leukaemia and ever since then my Grandad has been fundraising for Blood Cancer UK along with his new partner. Standing outside of supermarkets for hours collecting change, coffee mornings, charity raffles and breakfasts, and Christmas card sales are just some of the ways they have raised money over the years. They have raised nearly £1 million and I would love to help them get to that milestone as they are so close.
I have never ran a half marathon so I know it will be tough, but all the hard training will be worth it knowing I'm helping them out and raising money for a great charity.
I am fundraising and running for the Yeovil branch of Blood Cancer UK.
Anything you can give I would be extremely grateful for :)
Thank you.