Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I will be climbing kilimanjaro in August 2016 with two medical students (Steph and Sophie) following their electives (from what I gather, they do a bit of work and then have a long holiday - it's alright for some). As the lonely mountain ('The Hobbit' reference) is rather large, I thought it would be a great excuse to raise some money for charity. I chose Cancer Research UK not just because I personally have lost a family member to cancer, but because I know many others who have been effected directly or indirectly by it.
A close friend of mine and Welsh Judo athlete, Jamie MacDonald (25) was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour. I won't go into detail but if you are interested in his story he writes a very interesting and surprisingly funny blog about the adventures he is enduring. He is also the main reason I have decided to dedicate the climb to Cancer Research UK. It really is an inspiring read, have a look:
The trek is already booked and paid for as part of a 4 week trip to Tanzania. Therefore, all donations go straight to charity and aren't paying for my elevenses or towards an upgrade from a tent to a nice hobbit hole whilst on kili or anything to that nature!
Any donation is greatly appreciated,