Raleigh International is a sustainable development charity. We work for and with young people, alongside rural communities, to create positive and lasting change. Our work focuses on three areas: providing access to safe water and sanitation, protecting vulnerable environments and building livelihoods.Thank-you so much for your support. For more information about what we do visit
The simplest things in life can change the quality of life for anybody, i want to make a difference. i want to help those less fortunate than me AND i want to raise awareness especially in this country (uk). Trying to picture well known fact that not all of us are the lucky ones with clean water sources or appropriate knowledge of hygiene is devastating! We take soo so much for granted and fail to realize that some places in the world still struggle with the seemingly second nature skills. i want to raise money to give back to this world! To actually go further with my cultural understanding i am spending 10 weeks in Nepal living with a community of locals, I will be aiming to put in place knowledge and perspective to the locals about hygiene and lively hood. But i will also be learning about there lives and the quality of their living.
please donate to this cause, a pound or a penny it doesn't matter. i know i will be working 110% for this adventure because i know that we the young people can make a difference, so instead of buying that cheeseburger donate a quid for this amazing charity and all that they stand for! :)
a pure hearted charity that wants to genuinely make the world a better place