Three members of HMS Triumph's crew will be running the Beaverbrooks 10k to support Trinity Hospice and Brian House Childrens Hospice. Trinity Hospice provide compassionate care on the journey towards the end of life, with Brian House providing support and palliative care for children and their families. Triumph's affiliation with Brian House seeks to build support for the work they do and raise funds towards the vital services they provide. Their services are tailored to each person's individual needs to improve their quality of life and relieve the stress serious illness brings. Trinity patients come from all backgrounds, all faiths and from all parts of the Fylde Coast. We never forget that each of our patients has a unique history and we always see the person, not their illness. Funding is a constant challenge for them, your sponsorship and donations helps them continue to provide vital care throughout the Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre community.