As you may be aware. 4 of us will be walking the west highland way from April 20th and finishing 27th April 2010. This is a walk from Glasgow to Ben Nevis(95 miles). We are doing this for ovarian cancer as Kate and myself lost Steph a friend of ours to ovarian cancer. We are looking for a donations. Anything would be great. If you cannot afford anything then just your support would be great. As this is not going to be easy. But the reward will be very good. Ovarian cancer charity have helped and will continue to help us. Hopefully at the end they will publish pictures on there web site so you can see us on our walk. Jon will be wearing a hat everyday. I would think it would be stupid knowing him. The one i bought is of course stupid.
The 4 people walking are:
Ben Chamberlain
Katie Wall
Jon "The Hat" Chamberlain
Laura Chrismas
Thanks for the support
Ben Chamberlain