Thanks for taking time to visit my just giving page.
In March 2022 I have set myself the challenge of completing my first half marathon in memory of a family member that I sadly lossed due to MS and it would be great if I could use this event to raise money for a great cause.
Multiple Sclerosis is a complex neurodegenerative condition, for which there is no cure. It can affect the way we walk, move, think, feel and can have a devastating impact on the lives of those affected. Many experience their first symptoms in their 20-30's - the prime time of their lives - and with diagnosis often comes uncertainty for the future. The MS society works tirelessly to provide funding for research in to treatments and specialists that can help manage the condition and its symptoms with the long term goal of finding a cure. Through your donations, big or small we can help those individuals and families affected by this horrible condition; and together we can beat MS.
All your donations are greatly appreciated Ben