Maxwell loves the water! It is the one place where his body is neutrally buoyant, enabling him to slightly move his arms and legs. Maxwells family dream of him having his own accessible infection free hydrotherapy pool on their specially adapted patio looking out on the South Downs. The patio is ready and £35,000 for a specialist pool will make a dramatic difference to Maxwells life.
Maxwell has an excellent NHS care team but their time is limited. £7,000 will fund specialist neurological physio sessions for a year. These will make a significant difference to Maxwells muscular weakness and core strength. A further £20,000 will buy Maxwell a specialist wheelchair that would enable him to sit upright move independently and let him lay completely flat for toileting and emergency treatment.
We hope you will support us in our campaign to raise vital funds to ensure that Maxwell can live a fulfilling life, and aim for a brighter, mito future.