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As you may or may not be aware, I was diagnosed with Multiple
Sclerosis (MS) at the age 22 and was recently told by my physiotherapist that my original goal of running is no longer possible and to concentrate on strengthening my legs and walking instead.
In true Glanners style, there’s no holding this walking machine back!!! So I've set myself the goal of climbing Snowdon in September with 9 of my colleagues from Nationwide.
I know Snowdon my not sound the hardest of challenges, but imagine climbing it having legs, that you can’t feel properly, they are numb with pins and needles, they feel heavy, almost like they are not yours! From your knee down you drag your leg even though you think you are picking it up and walking “normally” and you have no control over these sensations and movements…that’s my legs! I have recently been fitted with a leg splint to support my drop foot and enable me to walk further and am currently walking up to 3 miles with only small issues, so Snowdon being longer, and steeper will be challenging, but something I’m so excited to be doing!
I'm not only challenging my body with the climb but I'm also
challenging myself to raise as much money as possible for the Neuro Wellbeing Centre.
MS is a condition which affects the brain and/or spinal cord. As a neurological condition it can cause a wide range of potential symptoms from vision, movement, balance, & bladder control, to brain fog, fatigue speech & swallowing to name but a few. Currently there is no cure, only drugs & therapies to help manage symptoms, hence the importance of the Neuro Wellbeing Centre
The Neuro Wellbeing Centre in Swindon is the only one of its kind in a 35-mile radius supporting multiple neurological conditions including Stroke, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Functional Neurological Conditions and most recently Long Covid to name but a few. If you consider the Physical impact these conditions have on the human body, we are very lucky to have this facility so close to home!
Their services include neuro physiotherapy, specialist exercise classes, social events, oxygen therapy to support the body’s healing, counselling, and health advice, not only for the member, but
for their carer/family too. They provide services in a positive and friendly environment to help manage physical symptoms, slow the progression of neurological conditions and aid recover, as
well as offering services that reduce loneliness, help to
retain independence, build self-confidence, and maintain physical and mental wellbeing.
Please help me and the team encouraging me up this ickle hill, to raise as much funds as possible for the Centre.