I'm thrilled that we will soon have a President in the White House who will have our backs. But we know the damage done over the past four years will not be undone automatically or overnight, and the LGTBQ+ community and people living with HIV need a voice in the courts to help regain lost ground and make new gains towards full equality.
This is deeply personal for me. As a transgender American, I am watching the country debate whether it’s ok for a doctor to turn me away because of who I am. I am watching a country debate whether it’s ok for businesses to discriminate against me. I have to wonder whether my marriage or my rights to parent my sons could ever be called into question.
And yet, I’m not able to spend my days defending the rights we’ve gained and fighting for greater equality. The next best thing I can do to be a part of the fight is to support the people and organizations who do spend their days on the front lines of these fights. I need them. We need them.
I currently serve on the Board of Directors for Lambda Legal and I’m reaching out to you to ask you to consider donating to help support the mission of this tireless powerhouse of a civil rights organization.
I’m not a natural fundraiser and have never made this kind of appeal. But if you’re disheartened by how close this election is, by how many Americans would allow the country to stay the current course, there are things you can do to be a part of the correct side of history and to help make an impact on real people’s lives, including mine, right now. I hope you’ll consider a donation to Lambda Legal as one of the things you can do. Every bit of support means something. It all adds up.