Hannah: It is a privilege to work for such a wonderful Charity. The care given to those who use our services is fantastic and we are well respected and loved by our community. We are also our own community, staff and volunteers have come together to support one another during this difficult time and i feel lucky to be a part of such an amazing team. Charities have taken a financial hit and many of the usual fundraising opportunities such as events and our shops have been curtailed by covid 19. This event felt like a great way to continue supporting the Charity (whilst forcing me to exercise).
On the 23rd May i will be turning 30, this is a huge milestone for me as i spent 7 years struggling with my mental health. I am so grateful that i have landed on my feet working at Arthur Rank who have been so supportive in my first full time job. So supporting the Charity with this walk is also a thank you to an employer that has been invaluable to me personally.
My little sister suggested that we increase this challenge to walking 20,000 steps a day for a week, starting on the 23rd May (the official launch of the event). 20,000 steps is the equivalent of 10 miles so we are essentially committing to 70 miles of walking in a week. As we both have little legs this will take us around 3 1/2 hours a day! I have largely spent lockdown draped over the sofa watching Nashville and eating too many easter eggs so this will definitely be a real challenge for me. My sister has agreed to join me in the challenge and has spent lockdown doing crafts which is better than TV but also limited on the exercise front.
Hannahs sister: I wanted to participate because i know how valuable the care the Charity provides is and i was eager to give myself a challenge! I have already been helping Hannah stay motivated when she walks by chatting on the phone so now we can both help eachother with this challenge!
If you'd like to celebrate my 30th or the amazing work the Charity continues to do during this difficult time please do donate and help us to make every moment count.