An amazing group of individuals have come together to establish the Breast Cancer Now Development Board. We are committed to making a difference and accelerating better breast cancer outcomes, unlocking the power of our experience and networks to support Breast Cancer Now and the many beneficiaries of its work. Breast cancer still affects too many people, including many of us, and we know the toll it takes on patients and loved ones. We are excited about what we can achieve, raising awareness and funds through impactful events and partnerships to support valuable research and care. Breast Cancer Now has a vision that by 2050, everyone with breast cancer will live and be supported to live well.
We would welcome any support from our friends and colleagues as Tara Alhadeff, Allison Bright, Anna Bromilow, Sunni Chauhan, Niamh Corbett, Susan Corsini, Laura Duckett, Nicola Mayo, Lisa Picardo and Andrea Sparke set off on the 10 mile Pink Ribbon Walk in Blenheim on Saturday 13th May 2023. We promise that this is more than just another fundraising request, we want to have impact at scale. The Pink Ribbon Walk is a great opportunity for us to meet outside (literally!), not just in a conference room or on a zoom screen, and continue advancing our plans to make a difference. We have a great set of initiatives designed to tap into and serve different communities (fashion and beauty, inspiring content, workplace engagement and creative community building). Stay tuned for more details on our future plans!
The Breast Cancer Now Development Board: Suniti Chauhan (Chair), Niamh Corbett, Lisa Picardo, Andrea Sparke, Tara Alhadeff, Allison Bright, Anna Bromilow, Beverly Brown, Susan Corsini, Laura Duckett, Elaina Elzinga, Nicola Mayo, Dr. Susie Stanway