Sadly we almost all know someone who is or will be affected by prostate cancer so this is a cause that affects its everyone.
I've therefore signed up to "run the month" to raise some funds for research, as well as for the personal challenge of getting my creaking,
still-obese-but-less-so body to move slightly faster than walking pace. This is a proper challenge for me, I am aiming to run further in the next 30 days than I have in the last 30 years, so please give generously. If I don't complete the 50 miles I will add an extra £10 for every mile I don't do!
Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK. The impact of the coronavirus crisis means our life-saving research is at risk. Men have never needed your support more to protect research into better tests and treatments to stop prostate cancer being a killer.