Every night after the Maghrib Adhan in this Holy Month of Ramadhan 1441/2020, The KSIMC of London kindly broadcasted the Dua for Iftar recited by my father - Marhum Azadali Jafferali Kassam:
"In the name of Allah (swt), The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful
Oh Allah (swt), we kept a fast for your pleasure and broke the fast with sustenance provided by you, so bless us with your acceptance - No doubt, you Know Most and Hear most...
Oh Most Forgiving, pardon me in my sins".
We aim to extend the impact of this prayer so we may recall its virtue in all our actions going forwards - Imam Ali (as) says:
"Eid is for the one whose fasts have been accepted by Allah (swt) and
whose worship has been appreciated by Allah (swt).
Everyday in which you do not disobey Allah (swt) is therefore a day of Eid".
This hadith is something to think about. Every day in which we avoid
sin, is actually a day of Eid.
Celebration of Eid is our pledge of returning to Allah (swt) - with this
in mind, this page was opened to support The Lady Fatemah Charitable Trust in efforts in:
- Protecting a person and their family's physical and emotional well being,
- Preserving the family's food supply,
- Providing a means of income during and after this Ramadhan
in places including Ethiopia, Gaza, Kenya, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Tanzania, and India.
"For all Muslims around the world this is an auspicious time yet, particularly this year, so many will have no secure source of income nor a reliable source of food with which to break their fast. For many, whilst taking precaution against the spread of Covid the closest source of clean water could be several kilometers away. How can they then protect themselves against the Bacteria?"
Eid Mubarak to you and your families.
Al-fateha for all marhumeen.