Hi! Believe it or not, I am running the London Marathoin 2012! Whoop whoop! (but also, "oh my god I'm going to die!"). I have left it to the last minute to begin training, but if I was organised and ready to go already it simply wouldn't be me now, would it?
I am running for the Stroke Assosciation, the only charity dedicated to victims of stroke in people of all ages. Every year an estimated 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke. Of all people who suffer from a stroke, about a third are likely to die within the first 10 days, about a third are likely to make a recovery within one month and about a third are likely to be left disabled and needing rehabilitation.
Stroke has a greater disability impact than any other medical condition. A quarter of a million people are living with long-term disability as a result of stroke in the UK. The Stroke Association funds research into prevention, treatment and better methods of rehabilitation, and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its Life After Stroke Services.
My nan also suffered from multiple strokes which basically paralysed her to the point that she was unable to move or speak. When I finish the marathon, which I promise to, I know I will feel as though I've done something to fight back against it. Thank you for all your help! Az x x