After a year of inactivity and unhealthy habits, I decided to set myself a challenge, the London to Brighton Off-road Bike Ride. The event itself and the training leading up to it, has enabled me to face adverse situations.
The bike ride is in support of the British Heart Foundation which aims to help millions of individuals across the UK. One of these is Jack, a close friend of mine, who a couple of years ago was diagnosed with aortic valve stenosis. This meant the end of his rugby career, something which played a large part in his daily life, as well as greatly limiting the level of stress his heart could take.
The British Heart Foundation aims to aid those with heart and circulatory issues. Through their constant research, they are relentless in their efforts. The cost of such research is extremely expensive, and charity events such as these are a fantastic way for the Foundation to gain support and donations.
With your help, this becomes possible.
Thank you very much for any help that you can give.