Jack Ernest Anthony Bradley 8-02-1935 - 5-07-2023 was a loving husband to his Wife Audrey and father to his three sons Lee Wayne & Dean & Grandpa to Maddie & Ava, also chief stroker to Jinx the cat
Jack was a gregarious man who was blessed with a character that endeared itself to a very large circle of friends and loved ones.
Jack served as a Submariner.and remained a committed & popular member of the Middlesex Submariner branch up until he passed. He regularly attended meetings,,events and was a dedicated standard bearer at many memorial services.
Jack was a long time member of a variety of sports clubs and teams including Westminster Polytechnic where he continued playing football until he was 70 and Turnham Green Cricket C,lub where he was made Honorary Life President.
A very active sociable & funny man who was loved by so many.