Christmas Eve 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 2 testicular cancer.
3 years ago I started my battle with this awful disease. 3 rounds of BEP chemotherapy and 2 life saving operations (including the RPLND, google it if you are brave enough🤣). Fast forward 3 years I am starting this page to run the London marathon April 2024.
Now I have kicked cancers arse it’s my turn to raise money for this amazing charity and give back for all that they have done for me and my close friend, Jake Adams (Brain tumour survivor x2). Jake’s story is incredible, at the age of 19 he was diagnosed with a brain tumour and has since relapsed but in true ‘Jake style’ he has fought it off again.
This charity provided me, Jake and our families with so much support, grants and ensured our treatments were as smooth as it could be.
Lets go! #MoMarshall
Thank you very much for your donation. It really means a lot to me and to Teenage Cancer Trust.
Ashton Marshall