Greetings & welcome to our humble Page!
This is no Story for the faint hearted....& it goes like this:
It seems the threat of Cancer & the number of people suffering from this awful disease is on the rise these days. But no matter how many statistics & health warnings we are exposed to, it doesn't really hit home until someone prominent in your life is a victim of it.
During the summer of this year, the father of some very dear friend's of ours sadly passed away due to Stomach Cancer. I made a promise to my friend Matt, that if he secured a ballot place, I would run with him in memory of his father, & help raise money towards a Cancer Charity.
This is where the story twists.....Within days of Matt getting his place on the London Marathon, I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer, & then it truly hit home.....I was going to have to run a marathon with this blooming disease, & with only one cooking apple! Soon after that, the Cancer Charity Orchid, bestowed the privilege upon me of being one of their honorary Marathon Runners....there really was no way out of this one! So now there were two....
Now, here's where Archie comes in. Shortly after his return from the European Tour de Archie, something struck a cord within my friend, & so he decided to join forces & run with me for Orchid. So now there are three......Three amigo's running for a noble cause.
Since my diagnosis, apart from the obvious loved ones I have been dependent on, the Cancer Charities have played a huge role in offering support & Information on every facet of this complex disease. This support doesn't come from the individual hospitals, it comes from Charities like Orchid & Macmillan, which without, would have meant I was going into battle blindfolded. Armed with this knowledge drastically improves my chances of making a full recovery & reduces the risk of spread in the future.
Here's where you guys come in....The truth is, this is a whole lot bigger than 3 guys running a marathon raising a bit of cash; personal reasons aside, this disease has & will unfortunately effect so many of our lives. With Cancer, knowledge really is power, & it can mean all the difference if it is to be beaten on an individual level. So please help support these wonderful charities continue their good work, by sponsoring Archie & I to run the 'one & only', London Marathon.
On both of our behalves, thank you loved ones, wonderful friends, supportive families & colleagues; we hope to see you there on Marathon day cheering us on. Lets Smash this fundraising total!
James & Archie