Thank you for taking the time to visit my just giving page.
I am doing a tandem Sky dive on the 10th October to raise money for “Norfolk and Waveney MIND” charity. It’s an amazing charity for mental health.
There is so much stigma associated with mental health, but I believe the best thing anyone struggling with any form of mental health can do is TALK to someone. No one will Judge, and you most certainly are not ALONE.
Mental health can effect anyone at anytime, it doesn’t care about age, race, sex or your lifestyle choices.
So many people think they are alone and no one will understand, and unfortunately because of this people decide that the only way they can escape or feel better is to take their own life.... which is absolutely heartbreaking! ❤️
There is always someone that will listen and can completely understand how you are feeling, and I promise, just talking to someone will take a huge weight off of your shoulders! ❤️
So if you are able to donate (anything helps) then please do, as it is an amazing charity and We need to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health.
Nobody is ALONE! ❤️
And everyone deserves to smile 😊
Thanks again,
Bring on the 10th 😱😁🎉