AppsFlyer Cares are thrilled to be teaming up with ‘Be More Ruby’ a charitable organisation that’s raising awareness and funds to fight childhood cancer.
In 2019, Kev Anderson from our EMEA Marketing team became aware that a little girl from his son's primary school was suffering from Rhabdomyosarcoma, a form of childhood cancer. He learned that Ruby was obsessed with unicorns. In June that year, he approached Ruby’s parents, Andy and Claire with an idea. That idea was to write a picture book for Ruby featuring a Unicorn.
Claire and Andy said an enthusiastic yes and Kev met with Ruby for the first time. He presented Ruby with a certificate confirming her status as the books ‘Executive Editor’. That started a friendship between the two of them that involved lots of ‘Executive meetings’, fundraising events and lots and lots of silliness and laughter.
In late 2019 Ruby’s condition took a turn for the worse. Despite her bravery and the incredible efforts of the doctors. She passed away on the 2nd January 2020 aged 6.
Ruby’s parents and Kev are committed to raising as much funds and awareness as possible so that children with Rhabdomyosarcoma have better treatments and more positive outcomes.
AppsFlyer Cares wants to help.
We have recently bought over 900 copies of Ruby’s book that we will donate to local libraries, children’s hospitals and schools. And we’re not done there. Once that initial supply of books has been donated, we will arrange for a further printing of the book and will continue the process to help share Ruby’s story.
We’re also exploring lots of different ways to celebrate Ruby’s remarkable life.
As September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and the month in which Ruby was originally diagnosed, we thought that this would be a perfect time to kick-start our partnership.
Please join us in raising funds to find a cure and help our little ones fight cancer. Your donation will go to Super Ruby's Rhabdo Raiser, a Special Named Fund at CCLG, raising funds for research into rhabdomyosarcoma.