Welcome to AOL's team page for the Bristish Red Cross Abseil 2006.
You're in the right place to sponsor the AOL team!
The abseil will be held on Saturday 24th June at 190 Holborn at around 10am.
Family, friends and fellow employees are welcome and encouraged to come along and offer their enthusiasm!
Please remember to select the giftaid box when sponsoring as this enables us to claim another 28% from the government. Also for every £1 you donate AOL will match this!
The Team :
Clare Hatfield - also doing It's a Knockout
Wendy Glasgow - also doing It's a Knockout
Lucy Hunter
Iain Croll
James Small
Rich Llewellyn
We chose the British Red Cross because they train our first aiders at AOL, as well as all of the other fantastic humanitarian work they do.