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Aoife Mac Mahon

Darkness into Light for Bronach mo anam cara/ soulfriend

Fundraising for Pieta
raised of US$1,000 target
by 9 supporters
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Event: Darkness Into Light Wicklow Town, on 7 May 2016
In memory of Bronach O'Reilly
RCN 20062026
We support people & communities in crisis to empower them


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There really are no words strong enough to describe my beautiful friend Bronach but I am going to try. I met Bro when she was 12 and a first year at Dominican Convent. I was 3 years older and a 3rd year. I was instantly drawn to her light, her smile and her energy. She always had a way of cheering up anyone and everyone around her. You could not be in a room with her and not smile or be holding your stomach from laughing so much. No matter what mood I was in there was nothing so bad that a chat with her and a cup of tea wouldn't cure. She was always the first one to turn on the kettle in any house she ever walked into. I knew instantly we would be best friends. Some of my favorite memories were just hanging out at the chipper chatting, food fights, our walks, boy did she love the outdoors and blowing away the cobwebs on a nice walk no matter what the weather! When I moved to America when I was 19 to get married I knew there was no one I wanted more to be my maid of honor. Bronach was more than just my best friend, she was family, the little sister I always wanted. She flew over and stood beside me on my wedding day. I will never forget her calming my nerves and cold feet right before walking up the aisle and helping hold my wedding dress up over my head when I had to pee last minute. Laughing at me the whole time which made me laugh. Both of us just laughing our heads off in the bathroom. I made it down the aisle. I joked with her that if she didn't visit me more I would post pics of her in her dress, purple of course both our favorite color. Over the years she actually wore dresses more and got over not liking them so my threats were no longer worth anything. I got home as much as I could and she was the first person I would call when I got to Ireland. She always made time to meet up with me when I was at home even if she was up in Donegal. One of my favorite memories was just grabbing a few bottles of buckie and having a blast chatting and catching up in the hotel room in Dungloe as I had Kian with me on that trip. He was only 3 at the time. We talked about Reiki a lot. Her passion for energy work along with Dolores inspired me to get my Reiki 2 when I got back to the states. I continue to practice to this day because of her. She was the light in this world. One of the most genuine people I have ever know. Never said a bad word about anyone. I still feel her with me. She will live in my heart for ever and ever. I will keep her memories in my heart. I will continue to try to be a positive light in this world no matter what life throws at me.                                                           I realise now that she was more than just my Anam Cara, so soooo many people considered her their Anam Cara too. She saved more than just my life, I have read that many many of her friends were also save by her love and caring and light.

I wanted to do something to help another person and their family not go through the same heartache and pain which is why I am walking on May 7th in Salem, Oregon for Pieta house while my friends and family walk in Ireland. I hope someday Pieta will make it here to Oregon, but for now this is my way of trying to share some love and hope. I hope someday suicide will no longer be a taboo subject. I will not let her light fade .. ever...

Bronach.. I love you more than you will ever know. I know you are shining your light down on us all everyday. I miss you so  soooooo much. I am forever grateful that you shared your life with me. Rest in the comfort of the angels and sleep sweet my precious one! love and light forever. xoxo Aoife

Did you know that every week, 10 people die by suicide in Ireland?Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages. Approximately 105 Americans die by suicide. There is one death by suicide in the US every 12.3 minutes.

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Anam cara refers to the Celtic spiritual belief of souls connecting and bonding. In Celtic Spiritual tradition, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura. When you connect with another person and become completely open and trusting with that individual, your two souls begin to flow together. Should such a deep bond be formed, it is said you have found your Anam Cara or soul friend.
Your Anam Cara always accepts you as you truly are, holding you in beauty and light. In order to appreciate this relationship, you must first recognize your own inner light and beauty. This is not always easy to do. The Celts believed that forming an Anam Cara friendship would help you to awaken your awareness of your own nature and experience the joys of others.
You are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. When you are blessed with an anam cara, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home.

About the charity

RCN 20062026
Pieta provides free, accessible one-to-one counselling to people suffering from suicidal ideation, engaging in self-harm or to those bereaved by suicide. With 200+ qualified Therapists and support staff across 24 centres, Pieta’s work ensures that help is available to those in crisis.

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