Oh hay there!
Thank you for clicking on the link and making it this far.
If you literally just want to donate and don’t want to read my waffling below, then please go right ahead! But if you do want to know a little more about ActionAid and why I’m running 26.2 torturously long miles on Sunday 28th April 2019, then please read on:
I've recently returned from the Group Scolaire School in Singiro, in the Northern Province of Rwanda, having built some much needed classrooms with ActionAid.
The number of pupils at the Group Scolaire increases each year, there are 1,400+ pupils in the primary school alone, but there just isn’t enough space to accommodate them all. The classrooms are severely overcrowded which makes it very difficult for the children to concentrate and learn, resulting in poor performance and dropouts, further exacerbating the cycle of poverty. The classrooms we helped to build will ease the pressure on the school and the teachers, and will enable the children to have access to quality education and get the start in life they deserve.
Meeting the teachers and pupils of the school and getting to, quite literally, put my back into the work was so fulfilling, as was being part of the ActionAid team and working with the local community.
As part of the trip we visited the other ActionAid projects in the area, an Early Child Development Centre, a ‘safe room’ for girls at a secondary school to go to so they can feel safe and cared for whilst on their period and also a Women’s Cooperative, helping the women to become independent and financially stable. My time in Africa has completely changed my perspective about how UK charities work abroad and has compounded how necessary it is to help support and sustain developing communities.
Seeing the work ActionAid delivers first-hand and being part of it myself was a total privilege but there is so much more to be done, which is why I need your help to raise £2,000 to help more communities like the one I became part of in Singiro.
Those of you who know me know that I have enough energy to rival a Duracell bunny and although this isn’t my first marathon, it will undoubtedly be the one that means the most. So thank you for reading this and thank you, in advance, for your donation.
Wishing you love, light and all the positive vibes.
Anya x
You can follow more of my marathon spam here: