By the will of Allah, we will be climbing Ben Nevis in order to raise money for our brothers and sisters in Syria who are suffering on a daily basis without basic necessities on the behalf of Human Relief Foundation.
With the help of your donations, HRF are able to work closely with Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, distributing food packs, fuel, medical kits and other essential aid all year round as follows:
Food pack (feeds a family of 5 for one month) = £60
Fuel (lasts one month+) = £30
Medical support = £50
2 winter blankets = £30
Your donations will not only provide means of a better standard of life but restore hope and happiness to the hearts of those in need knowing that the Ummah is hearing and responding to their cries for help.
"Those who spend of their goods (in charity) by night and by day in secret and in public shall have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve." [2:274]
As Muslims we are taught the importance of not only giving in charity but brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam. We are taught that the Muslim ummah is like a body, and if one part of the body is aching then the whole body feels pain. Therefore, please support us on our mission (and with the height of Ben Nevis, it will definitely be one!) by donating generously to the cause especially during this blessed month of Ramadan where the rewards for our good deeds are multiplied.
Thank you